Sunday, June 27, 2010

Will the Dark Eldar "Survive"?

Hey everyone;

As we all know, the Dark Eldar are coming, or rather are into the stage in their life where it is time for change. They need to set aside their flamboyant shenanigans, and actually become a respected member of the Warhammer 40K universe, and more importantly, feared.

I have been looking around, not just on these forums, but all around the interweb, and I have to say that people know damn all about the DE, and what they are capable of, but more importantly, they don't even know them from a hobby perspective. I mean, it is on the rarest of occassions, when the moon is burgundy do the Dark Eldar get represented on a tournament stage, and for years now we have been waiting for a codex that should've arrived many aeons ago, that people have just evaded them at all costs, because a) they are afraid of something they have never seen before, b) when they are shown, the person controlling them never goes on to glory and fame with them, and c) the respect, lustre and downright patience with them has worn right down to the core.

Now, sure we are going to get an entirely new fashion, an entirely new codex, and an entirely new rule set... some time in the future. Those that have started the Dark Eldar will be all aquiver with such brand spanking new models, and the shiniest codex out there (maybe not the thickest...), for we have waited tirelessly with so much effort, and so much patience, and have waded through hell and back, seeing SO many revamps, re-releases, re-re-re-re-releases and new armies come into the fray, while we have sat idly in the cold recesses of the Games Workshop vaults, praying for our time in the sunlight, that has unfortunately ceased to exist for us; we are merely shadows of our former shelves, with models that look like prostitutes, rules designed for so many Editions ago, and egos that are blatantly undershadowed by even the smallest Space Marine player.

So I call to the masses to answer me a simple question. A question that will determine the Dark Eldar's fate, and contemplate as to who will win the battle between the Dark Eldar and The World.

Is this new release going to work?

Who here will be the first in line queing for hours in the pouring rain, just to catch that elusive glimpes of the painted models in the GW shops window, while others elbow past you to get their late hands on the Inquisition or Daemons codex that came out before ours, barely even stopping to have a close inspection of just how the DE are going to interefere with the rest of the hobby? Who here will be going over every square inch of detail, looking at the rules behind the rules and fluff, sharing what they have found with a local store owner, finding out what their blatant and empty opinion of them will be?

Will the release actually tempt other people to want to buy the Dark Eldar? If not, what will happen? Only the people who have put their heart and soul into their army of piratical raiders would want to know what they will have to change and what they will be able to keep. After only a few long months of low revenue from those that actually know the DE from previous buying the models and codex, will they officially do what many want and banish them into the Eye of Terror, and back into the GW vault, never needing to be pushed back further and further from a release date and never needing to make fresh moulds from expensive plastics and metals ever again?

Will the Dark Eldar survive?
This is my little rant. I hope you all enjoyed the read. Progress on current projects will, hopefully be posted soon. Peace!