Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Whoops, Screwed Up Already!

Whoops, sorry everyone, I already screwed up. Skipping to the point, as promised in the previous introduction post, here is the little "timbit", the squad of "Ork-E's" (Count as Killa-Kans). Enjoy!

"Hi Everybody!"

Hey everybody out there on the interweb. I would like to welcome you all to my blog and to my very first post!
So in this post I will start by explaining a little bit about what I'm going to be posting and what you all will hopefully be viewing in the future, and I will also give you all a little "timbit" on what's to come at the end of the post .

So what are you going to see on this blog? Well it's probably going to be an assortment of Warhammer 40k "Stuff", both finished and WIP (Note that I play Imperial Guard and, more recently, Orks, but I also model specific units based around "pop-cultures"), as well as anything else I would like to share with you all (ie. Personal critics on Movies, Music etc.). Expect in the comming months though, to see great amounts of GREEN in this blog (Waaaaagh!). Also, from time to time I'll be including battle reports, events coverage and, maybe, some of my fellow group-gamers works of awe (There so much more talented then me :D ).

Anywho, I will try to be an inspiration for people out there, but you should know that I am far from perfect and I will gladly use any tips from my readers to improve my works. Anyway, here's the "timbit" which I promised. It's one of the first "media-models" I ever made, a squad of "Ork-E's". Get it? Anyway, until next time. Peace!